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“Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the and the blind can see”

MY Frenz / MY Sahabat

21 September 2014

Bila budak pun komen kat PM dan Menteri

Budak umur 11 tahun Ahmad Ali Karim  komen pasal Datuk Seri Najib
Dia juga komen pasal Khairy Jamaluddin menteri belia dan sukan
Aku tertarik dengan buah fikirannya yang matang dan positif mengalahkan
orang dewasa, yang beri pendapat separuh habuk. Golongan muda macam
Adam Adli beri pandangan yang bernas tapi berteras kekeciwaan pada dirinya
dan persekitaran, yang berciri perjuangan kepentingan diri dan golongan tertentu,
tidak macam budak ini, iklas dan tiada kepentingan diri, jujur dan berani  

Kita ambil dan terjemah komen adik Ahmad ketika ditanya dengan panjang lebar oleh seorang blogger apa pandangan beliau dengan situasi Najib ketika ini -

- Saya rasa Najib sayangkan Umno cuma masalahnya Najib terlalu terdesak nak mengambil hati terutamanya dalam memenangi hati penyokong Pkr dan Dap. Najib juga mahu jadi popular dan tidak mahu dilihat sebagai old fashion macam Tun Mahathir.

Tapi Najib telah melakukan kesilapan besar bila terlalu melayan dan tunduk kepada desakan parti pembangkang, Najib sebenarnya bukan menambahkan sokongan malah kehilangan sokongan. Orang Melayu menjadi marah bila terasa dipinggirkan dan tidak dihargai sementara bukan Melayu yang menyokong Dap dan Pkr pula tetap juga tidak akan pilih BN dan masih membenci beliau dan Umno.

I think Najib loves UMNO but the problem is Najib is trying too hard to be friendly especially to win the votes from those who voted for PKR and DAP. He also wants to be popular and does not want to be looked as old fashioned like Tun Mahathir. But he made a very big mistake. When he listens and gives in to the opposition parties, he is actually somehow losing votes instead of gaining them. The Malay gets angry because they do not feel appreciated and taken care of and the non-Malay who support DAP and PKR will not vote for BN and will still hate Najib and UMNO.

- Saya berpendapat Najib harus memastikan Pemuda dan Puteri Umno melaksanakan tugas mereka dan menjiwai semangat Umno. Pemimpin2 Umno harus bertanggungjawab dan ingat slogan yang sering dilaungkan yakni membela Agama, Bangsa dan Tanahair.

I think Najib must make sure that Putera and Puteri UMNO really do their work and understand the spirit of UMNO. UMNO leaders must be responsible and remember their slogan, membela agama, bangsa dan tanahair.

- Saya amat berharap Najib menjadi lebih Melayu dan tidak terlalu apologetik dengan semangat keMelayuannya. Keadaan menjadi sukar bila Najib tidak faham apa yang menjadi keutamaan kepada orang Melayu. Najib mesti bertindak ke atas puak Anwarinas dalam Umno dan tunjukkan dirinya sebagai ketua.

I really hope for Najib to be more Malay and not to be apologetic about having the Malay spirit. It is hard when Najib does not understand what is important and what is not to the Malays. Najib must do something about the Anwarinas in UMNO and tell them that he is the boss.

Kita juga harus memainkan peranan kita dan jangan hanya menyalahkan Najib. Kita harus bekerjasama dalam memastikan Najib dan kerajaan dengar kepada rakyat yang telah mengundi mereka. Bukannya satu perkara mudah tapi kita harus mencuba. Saya tidak mahu Anwar menjadi PM. 

We also need to do our part and not only blame Najib. We have to work together to make sure Najib and our government listen to the people who voted for them. It will not be easy but we have to try. I do not want Anwar to be the PM.

Sekarang baca pula komen budak ini pada Khairy Jamaluddin berbunyi begini:
dalam bahasa Inggeris
There is a leader who hold three important posts in the government of Malaysia as well as in his party.
His name is Khairy Jamaluddin, and he is the Sports and Youth Minister, the UMNO Youth Chief and the Member of Parliament of Rembau.
As a youth leader of his party, he must understand which party he is representing and who are the members of his political party.
On September 3, 2014, he launched Proham secretary-general, Datuk Dr. Denision Jayasooria’s biography at the DUMC.
There are three things I must say about this:
1.    Dr Denison is one of COMANGO‘s activists.
So why must Khairy launch a biography of an activist who is fighting against the Federal Constitution and the policies of Khairy’s political party, especially ‘ketuanan Melayu’ and Islam as in the 2011 DUMC case, kalimah Allah issue, bible issue, Article 3(1), Article 121(1A), Article 153, Article 160 and others? Khairy COMANGO has lots of agendas against the government and is fighting for the opposition party to take over the Malaysian government.
2.    DUMC is a church.
Why in the world a Muslim leader like Khairy Jamaluddin must go inside a church, just to launch such a book? If Khairy does not bother about the sensitivity and feelings of the Malays who are represented by UMNO and who voted for Khairy’s party in the GE13, why can’t Khairy, as a Muslim ask for the book launch to be held in another place instead of a church?
3.    And why DUMC?
Has Khairy forgotten the DUMC case where on the 4th day of Ramadhan 1432/2011, JAIS received a report that there were Muslims attending a church program at DUMC and they were having dinner even before Maghrib? So JAIS went there to investigate, but were stopped by the church’s people. JAIS, UMNO and the government were badly condemned and blamed by the Christians, opposition parties’ leaders and also activists who are now involved in COMANGO, when according to the law JAIS did the right thing.
Is Khairy an UMNO leader who really does not care about the dignity of Islam, the feelings and the sensitivity of the Muslims who voted for UMNO which made it possible for him to become a minister?
Please do not hurt the feelings of those who support UMNO in order to be popular among those who hate UMNO.
I hope his boss’ll remind him to remember, understand and uphold the 7 Wasiat Raja-Raja Melayu.

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