A Birthday Letter To a darling daughter Suhaifaniza Fasya and may
Allah swt bless u in gaining fully baraqah in your future, today, tomorrow and d coming years.
To day is your birthday and on this special day I am writing you a letter. You were born 19 years ago today and I can remember that day as if it were yesterday. Which is pretty amazing as now a days I sometimes can't remember what happened an hour ago.
I was very strong, too strong to be a father really, when you came into this world screaming at the top of your lungs. There you were a little red thing with a little lump on your head. I was worried but the doctor assured me that it would disappear by the time you were 6 weeks old, and sure enough it did go away and you were left with a perfectly formed, round little head which was full of black hair.
Even though we are alone in Sandakan I and your Mak managed to muddle through somehow and raised you to be the out standing daughter you are today. Those were trying times because at a very young age you were head strong and as you grew into your teenage years and adult hood you have always been head strong. You and I have not always seen eye to eye but some how or other we managed to stay close and managed not to inflict too much damage on each other, but for the most part I encouraged you to remain that way.
You are my fourth born and so are extra special to me for you are the one who taught me how to be a father. You exceeded all my hopes ,dreams and expectations I have had for you, and so my Darling Daughter Suhaifaniza I wish you Happy Birthday and hope you will always get what you want out of life.
Love you always
Abah, Mak and
All the members of d family
Saiful Anuar Safian & Kasmah Sumani,
Syafina, Nurulaina, Mohd Hafiizul, & Noratiqah
Taman Wira,
Slim River, Perak
sooo sweet bapak buat entri mcm ni untuk anak..bapak sy xreti nak berblog..ahahha
ReplyDeletebiasa le tu....mungkin bapa awk minat pd benda lain, bkan menulis kot...hihihi